Patra Web

A Webjar containing the static content of Patra. Patra visualizes Dropwizard Metrics

License: Apache 2.0 Build Status Maven Central

Patra Web

Patra visualizes Dropwizard Metrics in a user friendly way.


The current version is 2.0.0, which is compatible with Patra 2.0.0. To use the Patra Webjar, add the following dependency to your pom.xml.



The patra version is specified in the pom.xml where patra.version is the git tag on the patra repo.


Spring Boot picks up the content of a webjars if the jar is detected in the classpath. Please see the webjar documentation to find out more on how to configure a webjar with a Spring application.

The content of the patra-web webjar can be accessed from the following url: http://<app host>:<app port>/patra-ui.html

Please note that url for fetching the metric is http://<app host>:<app port>/metrics/metrics. If the metrics url is different, change it in the pom.xml by modifying the Renaming the metrics url step.


The Patra Web code is shared under the terms of Apache License v2.0.