Dockerize your REST API

If you are in IT field, you must have come across the term Docker. Docker is still very new and gained traction in the last year or so.  So, what is Docker? Docker is a open-source platform that allows you to run your application image in a virtual environment. There are two parts to Docker - image and container. An image is a file that contains a stripped down version of Linux OS along with your application and all its dependencies. While container is a running instance of an image. The Docker Engine provides the technology to create the image for your software and also to run and manage the container. You can find more about Docker here.


Exploring Fibonacci

We all are familiar with Fibonacci numbers in the field of computer science. It is a sequence of integers which follows the pattern:


Togglz Integration with REST

This is the continuation of my previous REST with Spring - Hello World example. This example integrates Togglz with the REST example. Togglz proxy factory bean pattern is used in this example. Source code for this example can be found here.


REST with Spring

Spring relies on its Spring MVC framework to support REST APIs. The concept of Model-View-Controller (MVC) was introduced in the the seventies at Xerox Parc. MVC pattern makes an attempt to modularize software by isolating different functional units from each other. It separates application domain/data (model) from the display of the application state (view) and the interaction with the model and view (controller).


Togglz Integration with JSF and Spring

This example covers Togglz integration which JSF, Primefaces, and Spring. The example web application displays customer information based on the state of the toggle/flag. The customer’s address is only displayed if the toggle/flag is enabled. The flag can be enabled and disabled from the Togglz administration console. You can find the source code here.
